Shemale Pornstar

Shemale Pornstar

Featuring the world's most famous shemale pornstars in hardcore transsexual video action. This adult tgirl site started in 2000 and was one of the premier transsexual websites online at that time, featuring the highest quality photosets of models such as Sylvia Boots, Kimberly Devine, Gizelle, Saigon Lee and Carmen Cruz.
Now under the ownership of Grooby Productions, Shemale Pornstar has been relaunched. Our mission to bring you ONLY the true shemale pornstars, the models who have made a name for themselves and whom are among the most sought after in the world.
See the best quality photosets and HD shemale video of these transsexual pornstars in hardcore action, behind the scenes and solo sets. As a bonus, we've re-mastered the original content, to bring you the tgirls of yesterday, as you have never seen before!
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